I just wanted a Halloween-y title.
This interview was a pleasant experience, it was for a marketing company, not too far from my current job in retail. They apparently help out solar companies, as well as medical offices. I believe it would be helping out with appointments, when it comes to the medical offices, and trying to get people to switch to environmental friendly lights, for the solar companies.
I was sat down into a room, where there was a big meeting room, that had similar phones/ gadgets to my 36th interview, so while I was waiting, I was reminiscing.
The lady sat down with me, she was more relaxed than most interviewers in the past, (Except the last one, that guy was relaxed too).
The lady asked me to fill out a form, so I was filling it out quickly, because I didn't want to use up all of her time trying to make artistic letters. I fill out the paper, and the lady tells me about the company. So this is the third time, this year, that I didn't get asked what I knew about the company. All three places were smaller, so maybe that's why... but I'm so used to writing down three facts about a company, that when they automatically tell me about the company, it's like I remembered those things for nothing! But hey, at least I don't have to remember those things afterwards. There are two sides of the company, they either help try to sell customers energy efficient lighting, which they will eventually need, as everyone is using LED lights now. The other side, is, I believe appointment setting for various doctor's offices... so it's two sides of a coin, and she specified that some people might like/do better with one, or the other.
The lady asked me about my Graphic Design degree, I told her that I had gone to school for GD, but there were no jobs for it. She asked me if I wanted to pursue a job in Graphic Design, and I said that if anything, I'd do something on the side. She asked if I wanted to go back to school, I said yes, but a long time from now, once I'm financially stable.
She asked me how my friends would describe me, in three words. I'm glad for my 36th interview, as they asked me to describe myself with three adjectives, so now I'm always prepared! I just told her that I was out-going, creative, and Goal-Oriented.
She asked me about how I won the donation drive at my job, this was because I would always ask for donations, while on register. I explained later, that I didn't get as many donations, once I started working on the floor.. but I still get many, when I have to ring, such as yesterday, I got 25! Which now that I'm thinking about it, was 15, but I did get 28 the other day. I explained to her, that I'm a bit competitive, and I like to get donations.
As she was talking about the positions available, I told her about how I was taking two calls at work, and how I felt so alive being in an office.
She asked me how I deal with customers, I told her that I deal with them, as you would with anyone else, and you smile!
Overall, it was a nice interview. But I did forget to show her these two print outs, that I have of winning a "Smile award", at my job, and getting employee of the month.
She told me that tomorrow was the last day she's having for interviews, so if I got the job, I'll know tomorrow. I told her to let me know if I got it or not, as I like to know where I am at. I told her that I promise, that I don't bite!
Lesson: I chickened out, and did not ask her to give me a task to demonstrate my abilities, or show her the papers. So I think I need to learn how to work on that!
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