Friday, October 27, 2017

Phone Interview # 7: Good luck. *Hangs Up*

There is a company that I had applied for in August, and I never got back to them because, I could barely tell what the lady was saying on the phone. Three months later, I decided that I'd apply for the same company again. I could tell what her phone number was, and a few other things, but I could not make out her name. I decided that this time, I was going to call her back, and hope I can tell what she's saying!

She told me to hold on, and she'd close her door. After she did that, I could hear her loud and clear, I was shocked. She conducted a phone interview with me, she asked all the questions, what I did in my previous positions, what I was looking for in a job. She asked where I worked, and I told her that I still work there, and that I was on break when I called her. I also said this so she doesn't take a million years to talk to me, and know that I'd have to get back to work soon.
The phone interview was pleasant, until the very last question. She asked me a question that I did not know how to respond to.. The question was something along the lines of "Describe the perfect position", or "How would you describe the perfect position"... I don't remember how it was worded, but I just didn't understand the question. So there was lot's of silence, and me whispering (What do I say, what do I say..) She probably heard me, and thought I was asking someone for help. I figured out, that I would say the perfect position is where I could be in a good environment, with good people.
Not to mention, it was a customer service position, and my perfect position would be a Graphic Design job, so obviously I can't say that. After that, she seemed to get kind of snotty. She told me there are several positions, and she's doing phone interviews to sift through everyone, and she's not the actual hiring manager. I told her that it was a pleasure to talk to her, and she said good luck, and hung up the phone without saying bye, or anything. I found it to be rather rude. Now I know not to apply for that company again, no wonder they had two ads within a span of 2-3 months!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Interview #38: Market your life better witch!

I just wanted a Halloween-y title.

This interview was a pleasant experience, it was for a marketing company, not too far from my current job in retail. They apparently help out solar companies, as well as medical offices. I believe it would be helping out with appointments, when it comes to the medical offices, and trying to get people to switch to environmental friendly lights, for the solar companies.

I was sat down into a room, where there was a big meeting room, that had similar phones/ gadgets to my 36th interview, so while I was waiting, I was reminiscing.

The lady sat down with me, she was more relaxed than most interviewers in the past, (Except the last one, that guy was relaxed too).
The lady asked me to fill out a form, so I was filling it out quickly, because I didn't want to use up all of her time trying to make artistic letters. I fill out the paper, and the lady tells me about the company.  So this is the third time, this year, that I didn't get asked what I knew about the company. All three places were smaller, so maybe that's why... but I'm so used to writing down three facts about a company, that when they automatically tell me about the company, it's like I remembered those things for nothing! But hey, at least I don't have to remember those things afterwards. There are two sides of the company, they either help try to sell customers energy efficient lighting, which they will eventually need, as everyone is using LED lights now. The other side, is, I believe appointment setting for various doctor's offices... so it's two sides of a coin, and she specified that some people might like/do better with one, or the other.
The lady asked me about my Graphic Design degree, I told her that I had gone to school for GD, but there were no jobs for it. She asked me if I wanted to pursue a job in Graphic Design, and I said that if anything, I'd do something on the side. She asked if I wanted to go back to school, I said yes, but a long time from now, once I'm financially stable.
She asked me how my friends would describe me, in three words. I'm glad for my 36th interview, as they asked me to describe myself with three adjectives, so now I'm always prepared! I just told her that I was out-going, creative, and Goal-Oriented.
She asked me about how I won the donation drive at my job, this was because I would always ask for donations, while on register. I explained later, that I didn't get as many donations, once I started working on the floor.. but I still get many, when I have to ring, such as yesterday, I got 25! Which now that I'm thinking about it, was 15, but I did get 28 the other day. I explained to her, that I'm a bit competitive, and I like to get donations.
As she was talking about the positions available, I told her about how I was taking two calls at work, and how I felt so alive being in an office.
She asked me how I deal with customers, I told her that I deal with them, as you would with anyone else, and you smile!

Overall, it was a nice interview. But I did forget to show her these two print outs, that I have of winning a "Smile award", at my job, and getting employee of the month.

She told me that tomorrow was the last day she's having for interviews, so if I got the job, I'll know tomorrow. I told her to let me know if I got it or not, as I like to know where I am at. I told her that I promise, that I don't bite!

Lesson: I chickened out, and did not ask her to give me a task to demonstrate my abilities, or show her the papers. So I think I need to learn how to work on that!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Interview # 37: Cars, Cars, Cars!

So I had applied for literally 20 jobs on Sunday, and I got a call from this company for a customer service position that I had applied for. I set up an interview, and they wanted to see me on Thursday, I told them that was perfect because I'm off on Thursdays.

I didn't actually understand what the company does, and I still don't 100% get it, but they appear to contact car dealerships, to help market their cars, as well as show customers prices for cars.

 My phone was telling me it was going to take 28 minutes to get there, even though I've been on other interviews in the area, where it was only 20-22 minutes.. so I thought that was weird. I left 40 minutes early, and got there in about 20 minutes.. so I had plenty of time to do whatever. When I got there, it was this huge building, and I started to worry I was going to get lost. As when I went on an interview in the past with a similar building complex, I did get lost.. and I didn't know where I was! The inside was very fancy, and I noticed that my college had an office there! Which is super weird since it's closing down completely in a year! Using my amazing map skills, I figured out where the office was located. (Which did take me time because the office I was going to said GL next to it, I figured it meant "Ground level", you can't trick me for too long! )

Now the funny thing is, I was practicing all these lines I was going to say, but the guy never asked them! I always write down three facts about the company, and just like my last interview, the hiring manager was the one telling me about the company. (So I wrote all that down for nothing!), but I did mention that it was to my understanding that they have an office in L.A... so after that, he figured I reviewed the website (I didn't really understand what the company was about, but I digress).
He did most of the talking, I explained that I had went to school for Graphic Design, and that it wasn't going anywhere so I went into retail. Which in reality, I do want a graphic design job, but I still want out of retail, and because I don't have experience, none of the GD jobs want me. He explained that the position wasn't a Graphic Design job, where as other companies have liked me for those skills.
He explained to me that the hours are 11-8, with an hour non paid lunch (Meanwhile, I really want normal 9-5 hours, and I don't like having to stay for non paid time.), as well as working two saturdays a month, I hate working saturdays! I'd prefer to work sundays, they're such a bore! He said that as they hire more people, they might take those hours, and eventually I could have 9-5. I told him I was still interested, even though that was a big turn off. He seemed glad, like other people must have turned it down after that.
He asked me how I deal with negative customers, I said I deal with them as I would anyone else. I told him that I'm a very positive person, and I don't really get angry, or sad. He said that it can get very busy, and I told him about one of the supervisors at work, who once said, once you've worked there, you can handle anything! Which is very true. I think I accidentally got arrogant, and said that this job would probably be a piece of cake. But he seemed to understand what I meant.
When I told him that my main goal was to get into a company that values professionalism and growth, and also so I get out of retail, he said he didn't blame me... it sounded like he wasn't a big retail person himself. I said that I much more prefer talking on the phone, than face to face with random people.
I asked him some questions, and he really had lot's to say about them. I'm so used to having questions to ask the hiring manager, that I remember them really easy. I asked him "What needs the most help", What's your favorite thing about the job/company", and "What is it like to work there".
He seemed to like me, and he even said that as well. He was much more laid back, and normal, over other people who were more prim and proper. But I was still very shy, but atleast opened up at certain parts.
He said that I'll know by the end of next week if I get a second interview with the CEO, I explained to him to just let me know, even if I didn't get the position, just to know where I am.

I'm very on and off about this right now. Like the guy is nice, and the people in the office were nice, although all men.. I get along with women better, we just click. Like it'll be nice to get out of retail, but I don't like the weird hours, but at the same time, the weird hours can allow me to look for something else while I'm there... there were some interesting companies in that building, and there are plenty of interesting companies near there as well.
I'll just have to wait and see, but I'll still be applying for other jobs as well.

Lesson: Sometimes you have to go the path less traveled, get out of your comfort zone, and apply for a job that's a bit different than what you'd normally go for.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Interview #36: We're a no DRAMA-MAMA!

So my 36th interview, took place in the beginning of the new year, 2017! It is for a company that sells medical equipment to veterinarians. I had applied for an Office Assistant position.

This was actually my first interview that I obtained by applying on Zip Recruiter, as I hadn't really used the site before. (I've never gotten an interview using jobr, yet though.)

I was first contacted, and spoke with a woman over the phone. Funny enough, her name was Elizabeth, the same name as someone I work with at my current job. It took me a while to get in contact with her, as the number she left... was an automated voice message saying to choose an extension... she didn't leave an extension! First, I decided to choose the Customer Service line, which went to voicemail.. but it had Elizabeth's voice as the message. Then, I tried the department for "other" calls, and it was Elizabeth's voice again.. I finally chose another line and Elizabeth picked up... which was weird that all of their departments would be the same person! When I talked to her, she asked me a few questions, such as, what my graphic design experience was, and if I was bilingual. (I'm not, but I told her that I knew a few words). I scheduled an interview for Wednesday, (It was Monday).

The company is very close to where I went for my 32nd interview, so I pretty much knew how to get there.. in fact, it was only a road or two down! I still somehow managed to get lost, but in my defense... I was using a GPS the first time, and this time I used my phone's GPS, which actually wanted me to take a longer route, so I did half the route of what I remembered from the first time, and the other half of using the map feature on the phone. I actually did better getting to this area the first time, over the second! Ironically.

I have to say, the company has great, convenient parking! There's 7 parking spaces right in front of the building, and the doors to the offices are like 5 feet away. It totally beats retail parking! (On busy days, you may have to park all the way in Narnia, and this has happened to me plenty of times, and has even made me late before!!!)

When I got to the building, I was 10 minutes early. I tried entering the building, by pushing the door that was locked, and not the one next to it, that was open. I met with Elizabeth, and she had me stay in a room for about 10 minutes. I originally thought that I was being interviewed by her, but she told me I had to wait for the manager. I studied some lines to say while I waited, and eventually the manager came in, who was a girl.. and I was so happy because I'm more comfortable around women than I am with men (Which may be ironic since the only times I've ever been on second interviews, were with male managers). Elizabeth stayed in the room (In the corner), to accompany the manager, but she did not say, or do much.
I greeted the manager, and she started off by telling me about the company. Which was surprising because they always ask ME, what I know about the company... and in fact I had a list of things I was going to tell her, what I know about the company.
Some of the following questions may be out of order....
Her first question for me, was, why did I go to school for Graphic Design, but get a job in retail? I told her about my situation, where I got an associates in Graphic Design, and afterwards the school wouldn't let me advance until I started paying them. Which is how I worked in a mail room, an office and currently retail. I told her, that I got the job in retail to get some kind of money, and I ended up staying with them to help them out, and get my drivers license, as well as a car. She asked me if I remembered any of the Graphic Design skills from school, I told her that of course I knew... as I'm always on my computer doing something. (I do occasionally use my graphic design program, but not as much as I used to, as working retail is very draining for me... I never have motivation to do anything anymore, and because of the weirds hours, I don't have a set routine to do productive things..) She asked If I had any work, I showed her a demo page that I printed up.. and told her about my portfolio, which I haven't had much time to update. (The irony is, if I had a normal 9-5 job, I know I'd have time and motivation to fix these things.). The thing that bothered me was, I applied for an Office Assistant. So I wasn't exactly prepared for them to ask for my work, in fact, I have no idea where my physical portfolio is! I just have my online one currently. But if I had applied for a Graphic Design job, I would have been prepared.. they sucker punched me a bit, so that's also why I wasn't prepared for that.
She asked me if I was bilingual, I said I knew about 20 words in Spanish, and 20 words in Japanese, which her and Elizabeth seemed to find funny. I told her that I was always willing to learn.. and I explained a time where it came in handy. As an example, I told her of the time when I was on register and I asked this lady for her phone number for return purposes. The woman didn't know what I was saying, so I said "telephone" in Spanish, she understood that and told me her I was able to utilize the few words I did know in the real world.
The Manager asked me what I do/did in the positions I've held in the present and the past... I told her, in the office I did things such as filing, faxing, scanning documents and I also put together cover letters and looked for jobs for people, as the company I worked for was a bit of a job agency for the poor.
She asked about my current position, I told her that I was full time home department, but I also help out on register, and anywhere else that they need me. She asked how I felt about answering phones, I told her that I love to answer phones, and I'm always the first to grab the phone at my job.
She asked me to describe myself in 3 adjectives.. now this idiot (Meaning me) does not remember what an adjective is, so I was freaked out because I'm like.. what if I say something that isn't an adjective? My problem is that I didn't want to learn in school, but once I was an adult, that's when I wanted to learn all of these things...
I told her that I was Kind, Energetic, Calm.. and she said that Calm and energetic canceled each other out.. so I chose hardworking.. because honestly, this is what it's all about...I'm just trying to let them know that I want a job.. seriously, some of these questions interviewers ask are insanely unrealistic!
I was told about the job position, the job title would be Office Assistant, but it would be a bit of everything. Office work, Customer Service, Shipping, Inventory, Graphic Design.. etc..
I told her that's just like my job now, I help them where they need help. A jack of all trades.
She told me a bit about the job, she said that they don't like drama and how they are a small company and they aren't looking for drama. I didn't care for this part, as I felt the need to defend myself for something that I am not... I told her that I'm calm and easygoing. I had a tendency to repeat the same phrases a million times in this interview, it wasn't on purpose.. but I was like "what do I say"?!
I was asked about a time where I dealt with a problem customer, I told them of a time last year.. where there was this rude lady.. by accident, I got sassy when I explained this story.. but I was only sassy when playing the customer...I told them of a time where this lady had a coupon that didn't work, and she was rude about it, so I got the supervisor over.. and how her friend magically appeared and she was nice to the friend, but not to us...I rang her up as anyone would, and she was on her way... I didn't go into detail, but there was so much more to that story that I left out.....
She asked how I was with stress, this was one of those cases where I had to lie through my teeth. I told her that I am great with stress, and that I work harder when stressed. This is lie, if I get stressed, I freak out and have mini panic attacks.. in which I am 100% less productive. But seriously, whose going to tell the truth with some of these questions?! If someone wants a job, they're going to make stuff up to get the job!!!
She told me more about the job, and it's people.

When she asked me if I had an questions for her, I asked the following.

* What is your favorite thing about the company?
She answered that work is work for a reason, we're not going to have fun doing spreadsheets.. but her favorite part is the people.
Which I thought was a dumb answer, because you can have fun working! The people part was good though.

* What area could use help? She pretty much said every department could use help... and she mentioned something about eventually hiring a part timer, I don't know if it was when I asked this question, or if she mentioned the part tier at a different time.

* I asked her what a typical day was like, she went in about how everyone has to work together and everyone chips in.. and there's not time for complaining, or something like that. Something she said, made me go in defense mode and I mentioned that I always get along with everyone, even if I don't like them. Such as the guy at work, who complains about everything. He complains about the job, the people, the managers, everything under the sun. I told her that I treat him with respect, and she asked if he liked me, I said yes.. and that the only person he doesn't like is the one manager, because she pushes his buttons.
She made a comment about how there's no room for complaining in the company.. etc..
She seemed to be really sensitive about drama, which was annoying because I felt like I had to defend myself.. it's just like, I get it.. you had a bad apple, but not everyone is like that, just note it once, and move on.
She asked me if I complain about people, I said no, and then she asked If I ever complain and I said no. Obviously this isn't true, but I don't complain often, and when I do.. it's with a friend.

At the end of the interview, she said that she liked that I was punctual.. so I suppose someone else was late.

I told her that I wanted to let her know of one last thing, that if she hired me, she would not be disappointed.. that I am a hardworking, detail oriented individual that always takes the extra mile.

I told her it was a pleasure to meet her.. and as I was leaving, I pushed the locked door, like I did when I was coming in.

At the end of the interview, I felt a bit discouraged. I did like the atmosphere and the people, but the constant bickering about "Drama", "Complaining", and having to lie about complaining or stress, really just turned me off. If I don't get the job, I honestly wouldn't mind that much, because they really didn't pitch their company that well. It's like sure, no one wants drama.. but to just constantly complain about complaining... is...well ANNOYING!!

Lesson Learned: My lesson that I learned consists of two parts.
First: Was that I needed to create a cheat sheet, I need to take a sheet and list three things to ask an employer, along with other things like good answers to questions and the like.
Second: Was, I have no choice but to try and work on my graphic design portfolio, I may not have the time or the motivation to do it.. but it's clear thats a big reason why companies want me.. I can't get a job with weird, outdated or lame artwork.. or even lack of content.