Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Interview #3: Three is not always a lucky number!

My third interview was on June 11th, it was a Saturday and I remember not getting any sleep and I was watching a Hot in Cleveland Marathon on TVLAND.

This interview wasn't really an interview at all, it was more like a 3 HOUR MEETING.
I had posted on facebook, that I had an interview on Saturday, June 11th 2011. My one friend wished me luck, my other friend pointed out that I should have researched the company and my third friend that commented told me something about this company.

"OMG Vector???? They sell knifes! Its a pyramid scam! They want you to buy $145 dollars of their knifes for a sample kit to walk around and sell door to door! I went there a couple of years ago and they hired me, but I left after I found out I had to do that."
She then posted this.

Although my friend told me the evils of this site known as "Vector Marketing", unfortunately it was too late for me to cancel. This actually lead me to not get any sleep, not shower or do anything... in fact I wore the same shirt I had the previous day. I went from really interested to, just get this over with.
When I got to the place, it was kind of run down, very unattractive and unappealing workplace. I was interviewed by someone for about 5 minutes, then the interviewer put up a presentation and me as well as a couple of other people interviewed all sat at a table and watched this guy say ridiculous things about the company. The other kids there were incredibly stupid, I swear, I thought my I.Q lowered. I just sat through the presentation with a sour face... and I left as soon as possible.
Most of the managers were all very young 16-20. The company ONLY sells knives, they may work... but that's all they sell. And they go door to door, trying to sell knives... when the official site does not say the same.
Basically, the job requires you to pay for a specific amount of knives... and if you DO NOT sell all of those knives, you have to pay for the ones you did not sell.
I also see their ads quite frequently online, this shows that they have poor skills and can't stick with someone.

This company is like a mosquito, they prey on people (Usually young and dumb) and suck you dry out of your money.

Lesson Learned: Sometimes everything is not what it seems, some companies are huge scams! Be cautious for companies with strange sites , rules  and especially if it makes you buy something. It's always good to see if it's legitimate, it can save you time and money...LITERALLY!

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